============================================================ SAIA Recoils--then Liquidates itself ------------------------------ The liquidation of SAIA and the struggle to create a revolutionary channel ------------------------------ Ben Seattle -- July 7, 2002 ============================================================ The Seattle Anti-Imperialist Alliance (SAIA) [-1-] was formed in October 2001 in response to the failure of the local liberal pacifists to call demonstrations against the U.S. bombing of Afghanistan. The work of SAIA was a breath of fresh air at a time when "public opinion" had been whipped up to support stepped-up U.S. military aggression in the Caspian basin, the Middle East, the Philippines, Colombia and elsewhere. SAIA organized a small street demonstration against the U.S. bombing in October. More than this, over the next six months, SAIA wrote and distributed a total of 14,000 copies of ten leaflets which: (a) exposed the nature of U.S. military aggression overseas and the growing police state at home and (b) made clear the necessity of opposing the influence of the reformist leadership of the mass movements--which seeks to undermine the independent revolutionary character of these movements by using them as a vehicle for promoting one or another supposed savior from within the establishment. My own role within SAIA was minor, essentially consisting of advocating (unsuccessfully) that SAIA take up two tasks which I considered essential for the development of an anti-imperialist movement capable of capturing the imaginations and guiding the activity of activists. ------------------------------------------------------------ What are the two decisive tasks? ------------------------------------------------------------ a) The development of a "revolutionary communications channel" to the masses that would _integrate_ printed agitation with email and the web--so that activists and other readers could easily post public criticism of our work and views--and have a place to go where they can publically post their questions--and get good answers. [-2-] b) The development of theoretically solid agitation that would allow us to answer the decisive question which in one way or another is reflected in the minds of all serious activists: "What is our _alternative_ to imperialist war?" An anti-imperialist perspective without at least some kind of intelligent discussion concerning the _alternative_ to the system of imperialism--is like a rifle without bullets. But a clear focus on this alternative requires us to give an answer to this question that has greater depth than the usual meaningless platitudes about "socialism" (ie: platitudes that fail to deal with the history of the 20th century--in which feudal-style regimes emerged in Russia and China which called themselves "socialist"). [-3-] ------------------------------------------------------------ SAIA recoils from revolutionary tasks ------------------------------------------------------------ Unfortunately, the other five members of SAIA have concluded that the anti-imperialist movement would not be served by either continuing to work with me or by taking up these two decisive tasks. Instead they have recently decided to dissolve SAIA and continue their work in the movement under the direction of the organization they support: the Communist Voice Organization (CVO) [-4-]. It was not unexpected that the other comrades in SAIA would see little value in working with me--since they disagree with me that these two tasks are decisive or even important--and because there has consequently been a history of friction between them and me in SAIA (and before that between the parent organization, the CVO, and me [-5-]). However I believe the decision to dissolve SAIA and retreat from these two decisive tasks runs contrary to the needs of the movement and that public criticism has become necessary. It is imperative that revolutionary-minded activists find methods of working together. And, if disagreements exist concerning which tasks are decisive, these disagreements must be placed on the table in full view of serious activists--who will draw their own conclusions. I greatly respect the dedication and integrity of my former SAIA comrades--but I believe their course is mistaken and, in consideration of the crisis of theory which has paralyzed the revolutionary movement (and the massive self-deception which, partly as a result of the crisis of theory, saturates so much of the work of revolutionary activists everywhere), I believe that criticism of public actions (ie: such as the liquidation of SAIA) must itself be public. Serious activists have a right to know about disagreements that lead to the dissolution of revolutionary organizations. It therefore follows that these disagreements (the facts, the opinions) must be public--for friend and foe of the movement to examine and to comment upon [-6-]. ------------------------------------------------------------ The party of the future ------------------------------------------------------------ The great need of our time is for a mass revolutionary organization which is: (a) dedicated to ending the system of bourgeois rule and (b) is transparent and accountable to serious activists and the masses themselves. Only such an organization will be able to overcome the diseases of reformism and sectarianism that thoroughly infect nearly all attempts (whether marxist, anarchist, etc) to create organization opposed to the imperialist system (ie: the inevitable manifestation of the bourgeois-capitalist order). -- i -- This mass revolutionary organization would work to break activists away from the influence of the reformist strata made up of the trade union bureaucrats, poverty pimps, liberal-labor politicians and liberal media personalities--and would instead encourage activists to create their own organizations independent of bourgeois influence, control, politics and illusions. -- ii -- This organization would confront the current _crisis of theory_ in which nearly all conceptions of an alternative to bourgeois rule--insult the intelligence of workers--by failing to recognize the necessity that workers must have the fundamental democratic rights of speech and association. A theory of how post-bourgeois society would function in modern 21st century conditions (ie: including the emerging revolution in digital communications) is not something that would be "nice to have". It is an urgent necessity--because without this activists have no way to realistically conceptualize a modern world without imperialism. -- iii -- "Transparency" for such an organization would mean that the "internal contradictions" of the organization are not treated like a state secret. To draw an analogy from the world of software development, the internal disagreements within this mass revolutionary organization would be "open source" (ie: like the Linux operating system) rather than "proprietary" (ie: like Microsoft's Windows). Put in simplist terms, the "internal" disagreements of this mass revolutionary organization will be _public_. Critics of this mass revolutionary organization will be assisted in finding one another because this organization would make public all serious criticism. This is the _exact opposite_ of the model followed by most sectarian organizations: in which the organization speaks with a single monolithic voice (ie: the voice of whatever internal faction controls the group) and the readers of the group's press or website are not allowed to know about criticism whether the criticism originates internally or externally to the organization. -- iv -- Such a mass revolutionary organization must inevitably emerge because the need for it is immense and (as shown by the current escalation of U.S. military adventures) constantly growing. Such an organization is more likely to emerge from a _network_ of activists, or from a _movement_ -- than from a so-called "party-type" organization which imagines itself to be the future nucleus of this mass revolutionary organization. (However all revolutionary-minded activists, regardless of what organization they support, will have opportunities to play a powerful role in the creation of this mass revolutionary organization.) ------------------------------------------------------------ The revolutionary communications channel ------------------------------------------------------------ My hypothesis is that this future mass revolutionary organization will emerge from a program of common work to create a _revolutionary communications channel_ that will connect serious activists with one another--and to the masses--and which will harness the energy of the masses to help resolve the inevitable disputes between revolutionary activists. Such a revolutionary channel will exist in both paper and electronic form--but it will be the electronic aspect (ie: web and email databases) that will form the _core_ of this channel while the paper aspect (ie: leaflets and newsletters) will represent only the _surface_ of this channel (ie: the final delivery mechanism to many readers). Much of the functioning of this channel will be worked out as activists gain experience--and as necessity asserts itself. There are already numerous projects and experiments which help to illustrate the potential of the emerging revolution in digital communications. The most well-known of these projects is http://indymedia.org (which, in fact, was instrumental in the creation of SAIA). But, it must be emphasized, the revolutionary channel I describe would be different from indymedia or from any existing project. Such a revolutionary channel would combine: (a) the openness, transparency and interactivity of indymedia, and (b) the more hard-core revolutionary-type outlook presently found only in the sectarian "marxist" or anarchist milieu and (c) reader-based rating systems and signal-to-noise concentrators similar to or better than those currently found in tech sites like http://slashdot.org [-7-]. Such a revolutionary channel would be ambitious in scope: it would aim to process, catalogue, rate and redistribute _all_ news that serves the anti-imperialist movement and other progressive movements in society. Such a revolutionary channel may emerge as a project of one or many organizations but it may function as the birthplace of a mass revolutionary organization with the ability to lead the working class and all oppressed sections of society. Finally, a note to readers: if you found this essay thoughtful or thought-provoking -- I would like to hear from you. These subjects are weighty and sorting them out requires the efforts of many people. Write to me at: box77 (at) Leninism.org [use the "@" symbol instead of "(at)" to create the email address]. Sincerely and with revolutionary regards, Ben Seattle ----//-// 7.July.2002 http://struggle.net/Ben (my elists / theory / infrastructure) <>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<> How will economics, politics and culture work when the working class runs modern society? http://struggle.net/proletarian-democracy <>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<>--<> ------------------------------------------------------------ Notes ------------------------------------------------------------ ---[1]--- For reasons I fail to fully comprehend the SAIA majority voted to delete the SAIA website at: http://struggle.net/saia after a period of two weeks rather than leaving it as a permanent archive. Since I believe in the value of archives I have created a fully functional copy of the SAIA website as a permanent archive at: http://struggle.net/saia-archive ---[2]--- Some of my own work along these lines can be seen at: http://struggle.net/anti-war where I created an experimental proto-type of an anti-war "microportal" designed to serve as a guide for activists to various anti-war events, elists, organizations, agitation, debates and controversies. A different kind of project can be seen at: http://communism.org where I put together scripts that draw from visitors about a hundred comments, questions or poll results each week. An anti-imperialist microportal supported by activists would combine the portal features of the first site with the interactivity of the second site. It would also provide answers to the questions that were asked (something that lack of time has prevented me from doing on the communism.org site) ---[3]--- Some of my work along these lines can be seen in an anti-war leaflet I wrote and distributed (about 400 copies) in February 2002: http://Leninism.org/stream/2002/alternative.htm I have also created a web site called "Proletarian Democracy" which deals with these theoretical questions and can be seen at: http://struggle.net/proletarian-democracy the companion elist to this site can be found at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/proldem-open ---[4]--- Communist Voice Organization (CVO) http://CommunistVoice.org ---[5]--- I wrote an open letter to a supporter of the CVO in December 1999. It can be seen at: "Letter to Comrade Frank" http://Leninism.org/stream/99/frank.asp In the above letter I criticize the refusal of the CVO to explicitly condemn the US bombing campaign during the 1999 Balkan War (the CVO criticized various aspects of US imperialism's manuevers in the Balkans--but they failed to make clear whether they opposed the central aspect of these maneuvers--the bombing campaign). I also criticized what I considered the CVO's clueless attitude toward anarchist-minded activists. Unfortunately, readers of the CVO's journal and website have been given no opportunity to be aware that my criticism exists. More significantly, my major theoretical work "The Self-Organizing Moneyless Economy" (as far as I know the first scientific speculation on how economics and politics will function in a genuinely classless, communist society) was originally written (in much longer form) as "Anti-Joseph", a polemic against the guiding theorist of the CVO. The Self-Organizing Moneyless Economy can be found at: http://Leninism.org/some ---[6]--- Unfortunately, the majority of SAIA, in voting to dissolve the organization, also voted to toss aside a key provision of the unity statement to which we had all previously agreed: "we are committed to making serious criticisms of us public". According to this principle the SAIA web page (and the final email announcing the dissolution of SAIA) would have given readers a _link_ to the criticism you are now reading. Since this principle has been disregarded and a link to this essay has not been provided--I have taken the initiative to email this essay to that section of the SAIA email contact list to which I have access (those SAIA contacts for which I have no email addresses will most likely have no way of knowing that this criticism exists--or of reading it and drawing their own conclusions). ---[7]--- Some technical work of mine on an experimental prototype for such a project can be seen at: Project MAD (ie: Media Abstract Database) http://pix.org/mad/frontdoor.asp