Some background:"Anti-Joseph" is concerned with two events. The first event is the death of the Marxist Leninist Party in November 1993. The second event is the rebirth, early in the next century, of a worldwide communist movement worthy of the name. I seem, at the present time, to be the only person in the entire world who believes that these two events are linked. They are linked, not by simple cause and effect, but by history: the forces which destroyed the MLP are the same forces which will usher forth the proletariat as a class whose time has come.
I have given my principled arguments, both in summary form, and at length, on countless occasions. I have shown how we in the MLP did all this incredible work over more than 20 years to assist workers in their struggles and win their attention--so that they would listen to us. And when they have listened to us--what have they heard ? Leaving aside the dreamy proclamations about classless society and so on--the "underlying message" consisted of three points which can be seen in their clarity from:
- Joseph's single-point-of-control theory,
- Joseph's view that there will be no political life in the future,
- Joseph's stonewalling on these questions and his attempts to suppress all real discussion.
What have we been telling those workers who would listen to us ?
These were the concentrated features of our real political line
- We plan to build a society which will produce LESS WEALTH than capitalism.
- Our plan for the future of humanity involves the extinguishing of all political life.
- Any questions about the above--
will be answered when hell freezes over.
on the nature of communist society--which
the workers got NOT from bourgeois propaganda
about "what communists believe"--but from us.I leave it to the reader to conclude whether
there has been any relationship between
what we have been telling workers
and what Joseph has called the "great demoralization".Ben Seattle (cyberRed)
September 27, 1996 ----//-//
And finally, one of the key documents
that started this all:
Ben 10.Mar.94
Ben's 19 Points: The Party of the Future
Democracy Rooted in Scientific Culture
is the Basis of Unity
of the Proletarian Trend of TrendscRed-43y 29k
2,100 words